22nd Jan 2025
Lisa Hopper – “Embracing Authenticity: The Journey Behind Truly You”
Truly You is about authenticity and self-discovery. What inspired you to write it?
Truly You is about freedom – freedom from outdated stories, limiting beliefs, and societal expectations. It’s a wake-up call to stop living on autopilot and start living boldly.
I wrote this because I saw where I was tolerating too much at my own expense, and playing small. This book is an invitation to rediscover who you are and align your life with what truly matters. Because when you do, the ripple effect is extraordinary.
Many women feel trapped by societal expectations. How does your coaching help?
Societal expectations are inherited stories, not truths. I help women drop the pressure to please everyone and reconnect with their inner wisdom. When they do, they start making choices that feel right for them – not for who they’ve been told to be.
In the book, I talk about the “feelings barometer” – how worry, guilt, and shame aren’t signs to obey but wake-up calls guiding us toward a different way of leading our lives.
Can you share a success story?
So many! One client left an emotionally abusive marriage and now thrives independently. Another pivoted from draining work and scaled her income from under £100k to £250k doing only what she loves. Another stepped into leadership her way and got promoted to Director. Coaching isn’t magic, but when people take action on their insights, real transformation is up for grabs.
How can women reconnect with themselves?
It starts with a choice to prioritise how we are with ourselves. When I talk about self-love I am not talking about candles and bubble baths – I’m talking about inquiry.
Ask yourself: Am I people-pleasing, afraid to say no? Am I setting boundaries? Am I leading with clarity and conviction? When we can be radically honest with ourselves, we see what is keeping us stuck. And the best way to access that level of honesty is to relate to yourself with kindness. Swap judgment out for curiosity. This is too big a question to answer in full here!
What’s the most rewarding part of your work?
Those “aha” moments – when someone realises they’re not stuck, just believing a false story. I don’t work with people who won’t play their part, but for those who do? Watching them step into freedom and confidence is magic.
For those hesitant about self-development, what would you say?
Fear – not money or time – is often the real hesitation. But what’s the cost of staying stuck? Can you afford to ignore the life you know you’re meant for? Start small, break it down, make it more doable, get support. We’re not powerless but we can get trapped in stories that make us believe we are.
Order your copy of Truly You. – An invitation to be more of your true self. It’s out 28th January 2025 – sign up for early access, launch pricing (99p for 48 hours!), and prize giveaways!
Link to get on the VIP launch list.